Product Details for Material from Würth Elektronik - 7447785006 - Smoothing choke SMD 6033 6.8 µH 0.10 Ω 2.3 A Würth Elektronik 7447785006 1 pc(s)

7447785006 Würth Elektronik Smoothing choke SMD 6033 6.8 µH 0.10 Ω 2.3 A Würth Elektronik 7447785006 1 pc(s)

Part Nnumber
Smoothing choke SMD 6033 6.8 µH 0.10 Ω 2.3 A Würth Elektronik 7447785006 1 pc(s)
Würth Elektronik
Basic price
2,86 EUR

The product with part number 7447785006 (Smoothing choke SMD 6033 6.8 µH 0.10 Ω 2.3 A Würth Elektronik 7447785006 1 pc(s)) is from company Würth Elektronik and distributed with basic unit price 2,86 EUR. Minimal order quantity is 1 pc.

Technical data Category Smoothing choke Type SMD Type 6033 LN 6.8 µH Resistance 0.10 Ω Nominal current 2.3 A Length 5.9 mm Width 6.2 mm Height 3.3 mm Min. temperature -40 °C Max. temperature +125 °C Content 1 pc(s) Type 7447785006

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